If you’ll feel to try a little adventure on the italian public transport I can suggest a nice one on the elegant city of Lugano.
A nice day trip into Switzerland to visit this lovevly town on the north shore of Lake Lugano. Take the ferry from Bellagoio to Menaggio which drops you off in front of the Grand Hotel Menaggio. Walk west past (or through) the hotel, and take a right (north) onto the first street.

Walk four or five blocks until you come to a newspaper stand on the corner, and buy a bus ticket there. Continue north on the same street past the church until you see a bus stop on the block further on the same side of the street as the church. Take the C12 bus to Lugano – bring your passport – and enjoy the stunning scenery. The bus trip is just over an hour. The bus deposits you on the “Campo Mars” – walk about seven blocks west along the lake to the Historic Centre – lovely, charming, lots of good food and shopping.